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%T Genesis and Role of Madhesh Movement on state-restructuring in Nepal
%A Chaudhary, Deepak
%J Technium Social Sciences Journal
%N 14
%P 567-577
%D 2020
%K dignity; Madhesh movement; nation-building
%@ 2668-7798
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-71050-9
%X The study aims to explore the genesis and the role of the Madhesh movement on state-restructuring in Nepal as well as challenges. This social movement erupted in January 2007 in the Tarai/Madhesh (southern plain terrain) region of Nepal after the issues of federalism and proportional representation were not included in the Interim Constitution. The data collection of this empirically-based study was carried out through In-depth interviews with participants (politicians, journalists, and ordinary people) of the movement, and direct observation. The Madheshi community as the excluded community in Nepal seemed to have angered against state-sponsored discrimination and exclusion that had been occurring for centuries. Madheshis were treated as non-Nepali; though the history of Nepal's Tarai/Madhesh has been old. The movement was spontaneous to a large extent against the state's prejudices and discriminations. This movement brought the changes, promoting social justice and equality in essence, and Madheshis / minorities' rights and inclusion in particular. As a result, the number of electoral constituencies was increased as it reached 120 in Tarai/Madhesh while it was 80 only; the representation of Madheshi and other minorities in the political arena reached 35% and more, while it was 20% only. The main output of this movement was that it contributed to ensuring the principle of inclusion and federalism as a political system.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info