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@article{ Varga2020,
 title = {Myriads of competences that interweave our lives},
 author = {Varga, Erika},
 journal = {Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities},
 pages = {71-73},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2613-5647},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The subject of the paper is to highlight the importance and role, competences play in our lives. Aim of research: We are not aware of the fact, either, how many competences we have, and we actually use day by day for our social contacts. Result of research: Personal competencies (can) enhance employability, the chances of being successful and competitive in the labour market together with some personality traits that make a powerful impact on hiring decisions. Communication skills and linguistic competence also add a lot to selecting the ideal candidate not to mention intercultural and multicultural communication together with cultural intelligence, all of which have become essential in our globalised world. Socio-cultural competences are also regarded as key issues nowadays. Conclusion: One of the objectives of the paper was to give an overview of the most frequent key competencies that are prevalent not only in the labour market, but also in everyday situations. The present analysis mainly contains key findings from professional literature.},
 keywords = {Kompetenz; competence; Beschäftigungsfähigkeit; employability; Persönlichkeit; personality; Kommunikationsfähigkeit; communication skills; interkulturelle Kompetenz; intercultural skills}}