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@incollection{ Grinin2019,
 title = {Kondratieff Waves, Technological Modes, and the Theory of Production Revolutions},
 author = {Grinin, Leonid},
 editor = {Grinin, Leonid and Korotayev, Andrey},
 year = {2019},
 booktitle = {Kondratieff Waves: The Spectrum of Opinions},
 pages = {95-144},
 address = {Volgograd},
 publisher = {Uchitel Publishing House},
 isbn = {978-5-7057-5740-4},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the present article Kondratieff waves theory is considered in comparison with the theory of production revolutions which analyzes the regularities of the major technological breakthroughs in history. Both theories analyze the processes of cyclic nature related to the innovative technological development of the World-System. The mutual comparison of both theories allows the author to make important clarifications in understanding of the long-wave dynamics as a whole, as well as to give relevant explanations of the peculiarities of the unfolding of each of the five waves and their phases, to make forecasts about the sixth wave and the development of technologies of the sixth technological mode. The special attention is paid to the analysis of aspects and limitations  of the theory of technological modes, as it is used by many researchers to explain the causes of the long-wave dynamics.},