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@book{ Stang2020,
 title = {Zukunft Lernwelt Hochschule: Perspektiven und Optionen für eine Neuausrichtung},
 editor = {Stang, Richard and Becker, Alexandra},
 year = {2020},
 series = {Lernwelten},
 pages = {273},
 publisher = {De Gruyter Saur},
 isbn = {978-3-11-065366-3},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Based on the findings of the college learning environment research project, this book includes a range of articles on the future of colleges focusing on organization, didactics, digital structures and physical learning or teaching spaces. In the future, a critical task will be establishing colleges as unified or integrated learning environments.},
 keywords = {digitalization; university teaching; Lernumgebung; Organisationsstruktur; Hochschule; Digitalisierung; learning environment; Hochschullehre; organizational structure; Hochschuldidaktik; university; university didactics}}