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@article{ Ramalho2020,
 title = {Encontros nas margens: percursos urbanos, corpo e desejo na filmografia de Marcelo Caetano},
 author = {Ramalho, Fabio Allan Mendes},
 journal = {Revista Maracanan},
 number = {24},
 pages = {501-517},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2359-0092},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In this article we aim to discuss how public spaces and liminal zones play a central role in Marcelo Caetano's Bailão (2009), By your side (2011), and Electric body (2017). What is at stake in these films is the very possibility of experiencing urban locations as sites for affective encounters and erotic desire. Through an investment in relations and itineraries that take place in the margins, we trace a tension as well as a recurrent ambivalence towards the cities the characters inhabit. The cinematic form highlights the city as an imagined topography and also as a plane of perception composed of several modulations between disconnection and belonging, discipline and pleasure, proximity and exclusion.},