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@article{ Longinou2020,
 title = {The benefits from cultural activities at a school environment},
 author = {Longinou, Dimitra},
 journal = {Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {8-13},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2654-0274},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to analyze the concept of cultural activity in the elementary school and to examine the importance of applying innovative models - such as CPFM. Another  purpose is to reveal the educational benefits from organizing a theatrical performance.
Methods: The empirical part of the study attempts to link the theoretical views, presented in the literature review part, to the school’s reality through the organization of a theatrical play. The survey stages are presented in a sequence through the analysis of the play's design and are linked to the elementary schools curriculum at the interdisciplinary level.
Results: The educational benefits resulting from this process are identified, and the importance and role of innovative models  in the school’s environment are highlighted. Using ICT innovations in the planning of the theatrical event brought students in touch with new technologies and greatly enhanced their digital skills. Moreover, their psychology and self-confidence were enhanced.
Implications: Students realized the value of strategy in organizing a cultural event. The steps that the children followed both during the planning and during the implementation process of the event, helped them to determine the sequence of actions they had to take to accomplish their tasks.},
 keywords = {Grundschule; primary school; Kultur; culture; Theater; theater; Kreativität; creativity}}