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@article{ Pütz2018,
 title = {Neuseeland in der globalisierten Weinwirtschaft},
 author = {Pütz, Robert and Rainer, Gerhard and Steiner, Christian},
 journal = {Geographische Rundschau},
 number = {5},
 pages = {48-53},
 volume = {70},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2363-9903},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {New Zealand’s agricultural landscape and exports have been reshaped by the massive growth of its wine industry in recent years. The article shows how the successful establishment of the country on a global wine market was driven by the exchange of capital, people, knowledge and technology. As a node in a global network, New Zealand’s wine industry can be conceptualised as a driver and as a result of globalisation processes.},
 keywords = {Neuseeland; New Zealand; Wein; wine; Wirtschaftssektor; economic sector; Globalisierung; globalization}}