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@book{ Godby2016,
 title = {Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis},
 author = {Godby, Robert and Anderson, Stephanie B.},
 year = {2016},
 pages = {209},
 address = {Opladen},
 publisher = {Verlag Barbara Budrich},
 isbn = {978-3-8474-0431-6},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Debate among politicians and academics alike vacillates as to whether the euro is the crowning achievement of a half-century of European integration efforts, or now constitutes a force that threatens to drive European Union member states apart. This book introduces both the political and economic forces at play in the eurozone crisis that have shaped this debate and changed the face of European integration.},
 keywords = {EU; EU; politische Integration; political integration; Finanzkrise; financial crisis; Eurozone; Eurozone; Währungsunion; monetary union; europäische Integration; European integration; wirtschaftliche Integration; economic integration; Geldpolitik; monetary policy; Verschuldung; indebtedness; Sparpolitik; austerity policy; politische Krise; political crisis; öffentliche Meinung; public opinion}}