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@article{ Koroutchev2020,
 title = {Economic situation and migration trends of Eastern Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine},
 author = {Koroutchev, Rossen},
 journal = {Journal of Liberty and International Affairs},
 number = {3},
 pages = {9-26},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1857-9760},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper we present our research about the economic situation in Eastern Slovakia based on official data and on own surveys in the region of Rožňava. We also present our results concerning the economic situation in Uzhgorod region, Ukrainian Transcarpathia. Additionally we discuss the migration trends in Eastern Slovakia and the Ukrainian migration to this part of Slovakia, and especially the one originated from Transcarpathia. Our results with students at the Universities of Košice and Prešovshow the interest of the Ukrainian young people to stay in Slovakia or to emigrate to neighboring EU countries in order to have more professional opportunities, compared to Ukraine.},
 keywords = {wirtschaftliche Lage; economic situation; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; economic development (on national level); Regionalwirtschaft; regional economy; junger Erwachsener; young adult; Berufsaussicht; career prospect; Migration; migration; Auswanderung; emigration; Motivation; motivation; Ukraine; Ukraine; Slowakei; Slovakia}}