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@article{ Tansey2017,
 title = {Ties to the rest: autocratic linkages and regime survival},
 author = {Tansey, Oisin and Koehler, Kevin and Schmotz, Alexander},
 journal = {Comparative political studies},
 number = {9},
 pages = {1221-1254},
 volume = {50},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {1552-3829},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The relationship between international linkages and the nature and survival of political regimes has gained increasing attention in recent years, but remains one that is poorly understood. In this article, we make three central contributions to our understanding of international linkage politics and autocratic regime survival. First, we introduce and develop the concept of “autocratic linkage,” and highlight its importance for understanding the international politics of autocratic survival. Second, we use event history analysis to demonstrate that autocratic linkage has a systematic effect on the duration of authoritarian regimes. Finally, we complement our quantitative analysis with a focused comparison of autocratic linkage politics in the Middle East. We show that variation in Saudi Arabian support for autocratic incumbents in the wake of the Arab Spring protests can be explained in significant part by variation in linkage relationships.},
 keywords = {politisches Regime; political regime; Diktatur; dictatorship; Stabilität; stability; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; Diplomatie; diplomacy; Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; economic relations; internationale Politik; international politics; Nahost; Middle East; Saudi-Arabien; Saudi Arabia}}