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@article{ Cornea2018,
 title = {Демографические предпосылки реформы территориальной организации местной власти в Республике Молдова},
 author = {Cornea, Sergiu},
 journal = {Journal of Danubian Studies and Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {42-52},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2284-5224},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the paper, there are examined the demographic premises of the territorial organization reform of the local public power in the Republic of Moldova. There are examined the following demographic problems faced by the Republic of Moldova: the natural population movement, the decrease of the population of the local territorial municipalities, the migration, the aging and poverty of the population. These negative effects of the demographic developments can be solved by strengthening of the local municipalities, which will have the effect of lowering the costs of maintaining the local authorities' apparatus, and these sums will be allocated to resolving other vital issues. In order to overcome the territorial fragmentation of the Republic of Moldova, there are proposed the following solutions: maintaining the organization of local public power on two levels; significant reduction of the number of II level local municipalities; the tempered strengthening of I level local municipalities, first of all, by voluntary merger; creating the conditions for amplifying and expanding the inter-municipal cooperation; creating the conditions for deepening of cross-border cooperation; redefining the regional construction by creating three strong development regions (North, Centre, South), comparable by the number of population, available resources and in line with NUTS rigors.},