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@book{ Buschow2019,
 title = {Money for nothing and content for free? Willingness to pay for digital journalism},
 author = {Buschow, Christopher and Wellbrock, Christian-Mathias},
 year = {2019},
 pages = {21},
 address = {Düsseldorf},
 publisher = {Landesanstalt für Medien NRW},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {True to the motto “Money for nothing and content for free”, both up-to-date information and thoroughly researched reporting are principally used free of charge in their digital forms. Considering this, how can journalism be funded sustainably? This study focuses on users and investigates the reasons for their lack of willingness to pay for content, as well as what they do pay for, and why.},
 keywords = {Digitale Medien; Medienkonsum; pricing policy; Preispolitik; media consumption; utilization; journalism; Nutzung; business concept; online media; Journalismus; Geschäftsmodell; digital media; Online-Medien}}