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@article{ Jong2019,
 title = {Death anxiety, exposure to death, mortuary preferences, and religiosity in five countries},
 author = {Jong, Jonathan and Halberstadt, Jamin and Bluemke, Matthias and Kavanagh, Christopher and Jackson, Christopher},
 journal = {Scientific Data},
 pages = {1-5},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2052-4463},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We present three datasets from a project about the relationship between death anxiety and religiosity. These include data from 1,838 individuals in the United States (n = 813), Brazil (n = 800), Russia (n = 800), the Philippines (n = 200), South Korea (n = 200), and Japan (n = 219). Measures were largely consistent across samples: they include measures of death anxiety, experience of and exposure to death, religious belief, religious behaviour, religious experience, and demographic information. Responses have also been back-translated into English where necessary, though original untranslated data are also included.},
 keywords = {Tod; death; Sterben; dying; Angst; anxiety; Religiosität; religiousness; soziale Faktoren; social factors; demographische Faktoren; demographic factors; Messung; measurement; USA; United States of America; Brasilien; Brazil; Russland; Russia; Philippinen; Philippines; Südkorea; South Korea; Japan; Japan}}