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@article{ Fedel Zorzo2019,
 title = {Maquiavel e a função dos tumultos para a potência militar romana},
 author = {Fedel Zorzo, Douglas Antônio},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {284-299},
 volume = {19},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The paper presents an investigation, at the heart of the thought of Niccolò Machiavelli, about the role played by Roman conflicts between nobles and plebs in order for the Republic of Rome became a military power. The clash of desires of great and people was responsible for promoting in that city an authentic vivere civile and libero, but also was the driving force of its military-political expansion. Here, we will intend to elucidate the reasons that have elevated Rome to that greatness. First, the dissensions caused the constitutional improvement of Roman institutions, directing them towards a republican state of mixed government. With the institution of the Tribunes of Plebeians, the people reached its political recognition, which created the possibility for the armies to be formed by the citizens from the plebs. Secondly, the institutional regulation of the conflicts and the expansionist impetus of Rome were the reason why the “guard of liberty” had been entrust to the plebs, promoting a popular government, a measure that allowed the Republic to turn to expansionist campaigns towards the conquest of the empire. Thirdly, recognizing the conflict and institutionalizing it was a mechanism to protect themselves from the caprices of fortune. Therefore, the institutional regulation of the events that afflict the internal political order meant to give guarantees for that those external confrontations could be successful.},