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@article{ Franzmann2016,
 title = {From "Atheism" to "Religious Indifference": Suggestions for Future Research on Secularization},
 author = {Franzmann, Manuel},
 journal = {Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion},
 pages = {12},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1877-5233},
 isbn = {978-90-04-31930-1},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Säkularisierung; secularization; Religionssoziologie; sociology of religion; Atheismus; atheism; Religionsgeschichte; history of religion; Ideengeschichte; history of ideas; Kulturgeschichte; cultural history; Glaube; faith; Religiosität; religiousness; Lebensstil; life style; Fallrekonstruktion; case reconstruction}}