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@article{ González2008,
 title = {La vida secreta de los objetos: análisis psicosocial de los imaginarios del consumo},
 author = {González, Andrés Almagro},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {13},
 pages = {49-70},
 year = {2008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Advertising in general, & television advertising in particular, is an important communication channel through which values, lifestyles, & even the socially-shared 'imaginary' are transmitted. A psycho-social analysis of the imaginary contents in television advertisements is specially called-for, given that contemporary culture, strongly marked by the use of the images, constitutes what some theoreticians call 'the audio-visual age'. In this article we analyse advertisements from a psycho-social perspective, to identify the way in which advertisements articulate, through images, the social imaginary.},