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@article{ Petrjánošová2008,
 title = {The Debate over Reproductive Rights in Germany and Slovakia: Religious and Secular Voices, a Blurred Political Spectrum and Many Inconsistencies},
 author = {Petrjánošová, Magda and Moulin-Doos,  Claire and Plichtová, Jana},
 journal = {Politics in Central Europe},
 number = {2},
 pages = {61-78},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper we analyse the legislation and arguments concerning bioethics and reproductive rights (on the examples of abortion and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis – PGD), as well as the power of different actors’ voices in Slovakia and Germany. Our comparative analysis revealed a paradox: In the abortion case study we found a restrictive principle with a pragmatic/liberal application in Germany, and a liberal law with a restrictive application in Slovakia. In the PGD case study we found a liberal approach and dominating critical religious voices in Slovakia; and a restrictive approach and dominating critical secular voices in Germany.},
 keywords = {Religion; religion}}