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@article{ Pawłusz2016,
 title = {Everyday nation-building In the post-Soviet space: methodological reflections},
 author = {Pawłusz, Emilia and Seliverstova, Oleksandra},
 journal = {Studies of Transition States and Societies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {69-86},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1736-8758},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article presents a methodological approach to the study of nation-building in everyday life in the post-Soviet region. Although bottom-up and informal mechanisms of creating identity have been acknowledged in the literature and methodology of nationalism studies, they have seldom been applied to studies in the post-Soviet countries. This article discusses the strengths and limitations of such an approach, using the example of two studies - on consumption and national identity in Ukraine and on music and nationbuilding
in Estonia.},
 keywords = {Estonia; state formation; nationality; Musik; music; consumption; postkommunistische Gesellschaft; post-communist society; Nationalität; Ukraine; Estland; Konsum; Ukraine; nationale Identität; USSR; Staatenbildung; UdSSR; national identity}}