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@article{ Lorch2019,
 title = {Islamization by Secular Ruling Parties: The Case of Bangladesh},
 author = {Lorch, Jasmin},
 journal = {Politics and Religion},
 number = {2},
 pages = {257-282},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {1755-0491},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As of yet, Islamization by secular ruling parties has hardly been investigated in depth. To bridge this gap, the present article reviews the existing literature on Islamization, synthesizes the scattered existing theoretical insights on Islamization by secular actors and applies them to the case of Bangladesh. It argues that, especially when they act in conjunction, three main conditions can drive secular rulers to Islamize public policy: first, the rise of Islamist social movements; second, fierce political competition; and third, (semi-)authoritarian rule. Focusing on the current Awami League (AL) government, the article shows how these three factors have interacted to produce a top-down process of state-led Islamization in Bangladesh.},
 keywords = {Islamisierung; Islamization; Regierungspartei; party in power; Bangladesch; Bangladesh; soziale Bewegung; social movement; Regierung; government; Prozess; process; soziale Faktoren; social factors; politische Faktoren; political factors; Fachliteratur; technical literature; öffentliche Ordnung; law and order; Strafverfolgung; prosecution; Akteur; social actor; Interview; interview; Innenpolitik; domestic policy}}