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@article{ Hipp2019,
 title = {How to Implement Respondent-Driven Sampling in Practice: Insights from Surveying 24-Hour Migrant Home Care Workers},
 author = {Hipp, Lena and Kohler, Ulrich and Leumann, Sandra},
 journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field},
 pages = {1-13},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2296-4754},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article draws on the experience from an ongoing research project employing respondentdriven
sampling (RDS) to survey (illicit) 24-hour home care workers. We highlight issues
around the preparatory work and the fielding of the survey to provide researchers with useful
insights on how to implement RDS when surveying populations for which the method has not
yet been used. We conclude the article with ethical considerations that occur when employing
 keywords = {häusliche Pflege; home care; informeller Sektor; informal sector; Stichprobe; sample; Migrant; migrant; Pole; Pole; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Lebensbedingungen; living conditions; Arbeitsbedingungen; working conditions; Netzwerkanalyse; network analysis; Interview; interview; Pflegepersonal; nursing staff}}