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@article{ Fotia2018,
 title = {Modelling Practices and Practices of Modelling},
 author = {Fotia, Giorgio},
 journal = {Historical Social Research, Supplement},
 number = {31},
 pages = {147-153},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0963-6784},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Modelling represents a core method of investigation in the sciences. Relying on a number of case studies, I want to explore the main concepts that denote the practice of modeling in pure and applied sciences. I argue that these concepts could be seen as metaphors to reflect upon when exploring how the practices of modeling are characterised across different disciplines.},
 keywords = {simulation; applied science; Geisteswissenschaft; model; computer science; data; Informatik; Simulation; Modell; angewandte Wissenschaft; Methode; method; humanities; Daten}}