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@article{ Kurth1996,
 title = {El verdadero choque},
 author = {Kurth, James},
 journal = {Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales},
 number = {164},
 pages = {69-90},
 volume = {41},
 year = {1996},
 issn = {2448-492X},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {James Kurth caracteriza la relaciones internacionales contemporáneas después de debatir la tesis de Samuel Huntington plasmada en El choque de las civilizaciones. Para Kurth, no es el enfrentamiento de Occidente con el resto del mundo lo que debe considerarse, sino que son las contradicciones en el interior mismo de Occidente las que deben estudiar los analistas preocupados por definir los rasgos del mundo de finales de siglo y de milenio.James Kurth characterizes current international relations after debating Samuel Huntington's thesis in The clash of civilizations. According to Kurth it is not the West's conflict with the rest of the world which should be taken into consideration. Instead the West's internal contradictions proper should be studied by those analysts concerned with defining the features of the world of the century and millenium about to end.},