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@book{ Peña2016,
 title = {Elecciones locales 2016: una aproximación comparativa},
 author = {Peña, Ricardo de la},
 year = {2016},
 pages = {17},
 address = {Guanajuato},
 publisher = {Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios Electorales A.C.},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The objective of this paper is to compare quantitatively the local processes
carried out in June 2016, in particular the twelve gubernatorial elections. The
fundamental source for this analysis is the sites of local electoral organism (OPLES's).
The points that are addressed are: the comparison between the levels of participationabstention
in the various entities; the comparison between the outcomes of the various
electoral options in the elections, among the different entities and different moments in
time (2010 and 2016); an analysis of the competitiveness registered in these elections as
conventional indicators; and the comparison of the levels of volatility among the most
recent and the previous election. It is concluded that the alternation is not necessarily a
product of significant changes in the preferences of the electorate and that changes do
not necessarily announce a PRI’s extinction as relevant party, but only exhibit changes
in the margin in the distribution of preferences.},
 keywords = {Wahlverhalten; voting behavior; Wahlergebnis; voter turnout; election result; Wahlbeteiligung; Mexiko; Central America; election research; Wahlforschung; Mexico; Mittelamerika}}