

@incollection{ Dunaetz2016,
 title = {Submission or Cooperation? Two Competing Approaches to Conflict Management in Mission Organizations},
 author = {Dunaetz, David R.},
 editor = {Smither, E. and Scheuermann, R.},
 year = {2016},
 booktitle = {Controversies in Mission: Theology, People, and Practice in the 21st Century},
 pages = {121-142},
 address = {Pasadena, CA},
 publisher = {William Carey Library},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Interpersonal conflict among missionaries is a major factor contributing to missionary attrition. This paper examines two approaches to resolving conflict, one focusing on mandatory submission to authority and the other focusing on fostering cooperation between the parties in conflict. Both biblical and empirical evidence suggest that cooperation is usually the best option. Although the submission approach is often viewed as biblical, it represents a shallow understanding of the complete biblical picture and a naïve and overly optimistic view of human nature. The cooperation approach better incorporates the biblical principles of servant leadership, mutual submission, and seeking one another’s interests. Empirical evidence suggests that organizations such as mission agencies may be more effective if they adopt an approach fostering cooperation as an organizational norm. Research on power and its abuse may be used to motivate missionaries to voluntarily limit their hierarchical power in order to better love and serve others. Viewing conflict as a decision making process can enable missionaries and mission organizations to more effectively find ways to minister and achieve their goals, including evangelism and church planting.},
 keywords = {Konfliktbewältigung; conflict mediation; Mediation; mediation; Kooperation; cooperation; Missionar; missionary; Organisationskultur; organizational culture; Wertorientierung; value-orientation}}