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%T Introduction: Big History’s Big Potential
%A Grinin, Leonid
%A Baker, David
%A Korotayev, Andrey
%A Quaedackers, Esther
%E Grinin, Leonid
%E Baker, David
%E Quaedackers, Esther
%E Korotayev, Andrey
%P 7-18
%D 2014
%I Uchitel Publishing House
%K Big History; China; USA; history of Cosmos
%@ 978-5-7057-4027-7
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-58882-5
%X Big History has been developing very fast indeed. We are currently observing a ‘Cambrian explosion’ in terms of its popularity and diffusion.
Big History courses are taught in the schools and universities of several
dozen countries, including China, Korea, the Netherlands, the USA, India,
Russia, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, and many more.
The International Big History Association (IBHA) is gaining momentum
in its projects and membership. Conferences are beginning to be held
regularly (this edited volume has been prepared on the basis of the proceedings of the International Big History Association Inaugural Conference [see below for details]). Hundreds of researchers are involved in studying and teaching Big History
%C Volgograd
%G en
%9 Sammelwerksbeitrag
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info