Bibtex export


@book{ Otto2015,
 title = {BIB - Familienleitbilder in Deutschland: kognitiver Pretest},
 author = {Otto, Wanda and Neuert, Cornelia and Disch, Katharina and Gebhardt, Stefanie and Adams, Franziska and Menold, Natalja},
 year = {2015},
 series = {GESIS-Projektbericht},
 pages = {44},
 volume = {2015/09},
 address = {Mannheim},
 publisher = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Pretest; survey; interview; Befragung; Familie; Familie-Beruf; Federal Republic of Germany; pretest; work-family balance; Interview; Leitbild; questionnaire; family; example; Fragebogen}}