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@article{ Kamaladdini2015,
 title = {Rashid Vatvat and Matlubon-Kolle-Taleb},
 author = {Kamaladdini, Seied Mohammad Bagher},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {42},
 pages = {82-87},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is based on an attempt to introduce and study a new-found manuscript containing four Hadith books: "Tohfa-al-seddigh, Fasl-al-khetab, Ons-al-lohfan, Matlubon-kolle-taleb." These four Hadith books include Hadiths of the first four caliphs, interpreted by Rashid-al-din Vatvat; distinguished writer of sixth century in Kharazmshahian court. The remarks of two hadith books (Fasl-al-khetab and Matlubon-kolle-taleb) are also changed into persion poem. With a thematic point of view, some scribes have collected these four Hadith books into one book and named it: "Remarks of the four Chosen fellows" or " Hundred remarks of the four prophets fellows". This manuscript is written in Naskh in the same style by Taher.},
 keywords = {Literatur; literature; Islam; Islam}}