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@book{ Luif2011,
 title = {Challenges for Integrated Peacekeeping Operations: Concerning Socio-Economic Aspects and the Capability for a Comprehensive Assessment of the Effects on Existing UN Policies in the Conflict Area},
 author = {Luif, Paul},
 year = {2011},
 series = {Working Paper / Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik},
 pages = {35},
 volume = {63},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik (oiip)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This report will give an overview of a rather complex and complicated subject matter. It deals with the question of importance of future peace operations, the socio-economic effects of the 'third generation' of peacekeeping. These missions usually also involve aspects of peacebuilding. Beyond eliminating the use of violence and/or maintaining peace, operations try to establish the rule of law, improve governance in the area of operation and promote reconciliation so that armed conflict is no longer considered to be a mechanism for dispute resolution. But these integrated peacekeeping operations (PKOs) also have broader objectives, like those related to economic development, which, in particular, should benefit the local population.},
 keywords = {international conflict; non-violence; Gewaltlosigkeit; Rechtsstaat; Friedenspolitik; peace policy; peacekeeping; constitutional state; government; socioeconomic factors; Regierung; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Versöhnung; UNO; Friedenssicherung; reconciliation; internationaler Konflikt; UNO}}