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@article{ Okeke2015,
 title = {Fundamentals of sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a focus on water policy in Nigeria},
 author = {Okeke, Remi Chukwudi},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {65},
 pages = {143-151},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Development and its sustainability have undeviatingly remained critical components of social science investigation. Sub-Saharan Africa has also continued to elicit mainstream investigative attention. There is apparently, acute bewilderment on what has become the fate of development in this region of the international community. Findings of this study indeed validate a hypothesis of gargantuan developmental challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. Consequently, policy ambivalences on water are indicative of the difficulties of sustainable development in the African region. It is concluded in this study that the availability of sound water policies and the spirited implementation of such policies can change the atmosphere of weariness in this African area. To engender the requisite sustainable development therefore requires that the composite governments (and other private investors) in Sub-Saharan Africa should embark on massive and functional water schemes, borne of credible water policies. The Nigerian state is strategically placed by naturally hued opportunities to take the lead in this regard.},
 keywords = {Africa; nachhaltige Entwicklung; Politik; Nigeria; Nigeria; water; politics; sustainable development; Afrika; Wasser}}