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@article{ Gbenga Adewale2015,
 title = {Effects of two methods on student's achievement in junior secondary schools in Yakurr, Cross River State},
 author = {Gbenga Adewale, J. and Effiong, Oji Ekpo},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {61},
 pages = {70-81},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In Nigeria, student's performances in basic science in the public examinations have not been encouraging over the years. The conventional method of teaching employed by the teachers has been one of the salient factors contributing to the discouraging performance. Previous studies have examined different instructional methods in different subjects without paying much attention to the use of guided inquiry and expository lecture methods on student’s achievement in Basic science in Yakurr. This study therefore investigates the effects of guided inquiry and expository lecture methods on students' achievement in junior secondary school Basic science in Yakurr, Cross River State.},
 keywords = {teaching; primary school; Grundschule; Grundlagenforschung; basic research; Schule; Methode; method; school; Africa; Unterricht; Nigeria; Nigeria; academic achievement; Schulleistung; Afrika}}