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@book{ Krey2014,
 title = {Interrogational Torture in Criminal Proceedings - Reflections on Legal History -, Vol. 1},
 author = {Krey, Volker and Roggenfelder, Thomas and Klein, Jan Niklas and Staudacher, Peter},
 year = {2014},
 series = {Rechtspolitisches Forum},
 pages = {44},
 volume = {68},
 address = {Trier},
 publisher = {Institut für Rechtspolitik an der Universität Trier},
 issn = {1616-8828},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Subject of this publication is torture as an interrogational instrument in criminal proceedings from a legal history point of view. Thereby, the author makes a distinction between torturing the accused on the one hand and, on the other hand, torture as an instrument to force a witness’ incriminating testimony against third parties (in German: Zeugenfolter), torture as a means to avert dangers (lifesaving torture), torture as an additional cruelty to the accused’s punishment (in German: Straffolter), and corporal punishment for lying in court. Only the first manifestation, namely torturing the accused intending to extort his confession, is the real subject of this paper. Volume I covers the following historical periods: Code of Hammurabi; Germanic Law; Roman Law; Age of the Kingdom of the Franks; High Middle Ages.},
 keywords = {Folter; Strafe; Zeugenaussage; historische Entwicklung; historical development; Recht; Strafverfahren; torture; penalty; criminal procedure; law; testimony}}