Endnote export


%T Assessment criteria of future managers' preparation for cross-cultural communication
%A Oleksenko, Olena
%J International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences
%N 68
%P 18-23
%D 2016
%K Indizes
%@ 2300-2697
%X The research is based on a set of scientific approaches, incorporating generative features of communicative and activity-oriented, dialogue, personality-oriented, culture-oriented, technological ones.The communication structure presented by the coherent aspects such as perceptive, communicating and interactive ones, along with the peculiarities of the process of cross-cultural communication (CCC) give grounds for defining the main components of the content of training future managers of foreign economic activity for CCC. They are motivating and orientating, conceptual and cognitive, communicating and activity-oriented. Within each component the basic criteria of evaluation of preparation of future managers of foreign economic activity for CCC are elaborated. Their availability is proved with the help of the definite indices.The conceptual and cognitive component is defined by the cognitive criterion according to which the efficiency and quality of mastered by students knowledge are assessed. The indices worked out within the cognitive criterion are knowledge quality (i.e. fullness and flexibility) and ways of acquiring new knowledge in CCC. On the base of the motivating and orientating component a subjective criterion is elaborated to evaluate the necessary professional and personal qualities of future specialists. It is represented by the indices of motivation for CCC preparation and reflexivity of communicating activity. Within the communicative and activity-oriented component an operational criterion is developed with the index of communicative skills and the index of skills to manage cross-cultural conflicts. On the base of the assessment criteria and indices the levels of future managers' preparation for CCC are differentiated into low, satisfactory, sufficient, high. The level characteristics are worked out and generalized in descriptions.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info