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@article{ Muller1997,
 title = {Radicalised Transformation, the Institutional Tensions and Modernisation Challenges},
 author = {Muller, Karel and Havelka, Milos},
 journal = {Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review},
 number = {2},
 pages = {179-195},
 volume = {5},
 year = {1997},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Draws on recent modernization theory & discussions of postmodernity to suggest a theoretical approach to the analysis of postcommunist institutional change in Central & Eastern Europe. Modernization is taken to be an evolutionary process in the direction of societal subsystem functional differentiation with institutional features such as economic extensification & intensification, social mobility, specialization, functionalization of values, & (sometimes) institutionalization of conflicts. This framework is applied to assess intended & unintended social consequences of economic transformation in the Czech Republic. It is concluded that simultaneous economic & political modernization are causing interinstitutional conflicts, resolution of which requires a legitimate arena for voicing social claims &/or the creation of intermediary capacities to avert direct institutional confrontation.},