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@article{ Ekareva2016,
 title = {Virtual education environment as a tool for boosting efficiency of basic curriculum and non-degree educational programmes in universities},
 author = {Ekareva, I. and Prigozhina, Kira and Trostina, Kira},
 journal = {International Research Journal},
 number = {11-3},
 pages = {104-110},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2303-9868},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article analyzes the role of distant learning technologies to provide accessible and competitive programs in universities. The aim of the article is to set an example of implementing distant learning technologies in universities, to identify the possible conditions of creating a virtual education environment providing continuity in the three-layer system of higher education (Bachelor, Master and postgraduate), as well as for non-degree educational services and supplementary professional training programs in non-linguistic universities. The conducted study revealed the increased demand for these programs, which proved the efficiency of distant learning technologies and the benefits of the virtual education environment for universities. The authors propose the two-component model of the e-course as part of the e-learning system, which allows to optimize self-study and to ensure learner autonomy.},
 keywords = {learning method; Effizienz; foreign language teaching; efficiency; electronic learning; berufliche Weiterbildung; Electronic Learning; Hochschulbildung; learning environment; Selbststudium; Russland; self-study; Russia; educational technology; Lernumgebung; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Bildungstechnologie; advanced vocational education; correspondence course; Fernunterricht; university level of education; Lernmethode}}