Endnote export


%T Indication of alcoholism in fishermen victims of spinal cord injury by diving
%A Cavalcante, Eliane Santos
%A Freire, Izaura Luzia Silvério
%A Gomes, Andréa Tayse de Lima
%A Miranda, Francisco Arnoldo Nunes de
%J Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online
%N 2
%P 4399-4409
%V 8
%D 2016
%@ 2175-5361
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-53813-3
%X Objective: Examine indication of alcoholism in artisanal fisher folk victims of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) by diving through the application of the CAGE questionnaire. Method: Sectional study and analytical, with a quantitative approach, carried out between October 2013 and August 2014. The sample was composed of 44 fishermen who suffered SCI for diving. The data were collected by means of a structured script and the analysis was by descriptive statistics. Results: All were male (100,0%), aged 46 to 60 years (63,3%), 54,5% had until elementary school, lived without a mate (63,6%) and 52,3% reported having some type of occupation. As for the questionnaire question 1 CAGE, had the highest percentage of positive responses (90,9%). According to CAGE, it was found that 93,2% of fishermen had indication of alcoholism. Conclusion: The most of the participants had indication of alcoholism.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info