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@article{ Lima2017,
 title = {Importance of mobility for quadriplegics and paraplegics: implementation of nursing knowledge in care multidimensional},
 author = {Lima, Nayda Babel Alves de and Ferreira, Jocelly de Araujo and Araújo, Jaciara Milena de and Passion, Iara Pereira and Almeida, Niedja Naira Silveira de},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {1},
 pages = {289-296},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: To conduct a search of published scientific works about the importance of exercise in promoting multidimensional care for the paraplegic or quadriplegic individual, as well as to investigate the knowledge of nursing about the benefit of such activities and to clarify the role of the nurse in assisting the person paraplegic or quadriplegic. Methods: This is an integrative review, conducted in the databases LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, BDENF e CAPES portal, corresponding to the years from 2004 to 2014. Results: Patients affected by spinal cord injury have deficits of care and self-care. Thus it was found that exercise offers many benefits including biopsychosocial. Conclusion: It was observed that the practice of physical exercise does not yet have effectiveness, however, it is important that nurses know about these benefits to guide the patients' family members in the provision of quality care.},
 keywords = {Querschnittslähmung; paraplegia; Krankenpflege; nursing; Gesundheitswesen; health care delivery system; Mobilität; mobility; Patient; patient; Familienpflege; domestic assistance; Krankenschwester; nurse; Führung; leadership; Selbstversorgung; economic self-sufficiency}}