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@article{ Moradi2013,
 title = {"Shami" A Public Life Narrator},
 author = {Moradi, Ayoob and Yousefi, Hadi},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {8},
 pages = {34-42},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The public life of people in most cases are among forgotten parts of the Persian literature; in other words, most of the poets because of their too much attention to the kings and their actions and behaviors, followed by their disconnection with the inferior class of the society, have rarely composed poems on the public life of the people. The constitutional revolution to a great extent shifted this balance in favor of the public. In this paper, the anthology of the Kurdish blind poet “Shami” - which deals with the poor class of the society and the issues relating to it from a linguistic and thematic perspective - has been investigated and on the basis of the issues that embody most in the anthology, the poems relating to the public life have been categorized into four groups: 1. Life appliances and equipment, 2.Number of people, 3. Speech and 4. Customs and etiquette. This investigation showed that Shami is a poet that understands the pains and woes of the people and tries through an eloquent language to express pains and sufferings of his own class in a poetic form, offering it to the public. Hence, he can be called a social poet as such},