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@article{ Muskat2014,
 title = {Emotions in organization-public relationships: proposing a new determinant},
 author = {Muskat, Birgit},
 journal = {Public Relations Review},
 number = {5},
 pages = {832–834},
 volume = {40},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {0363-8111},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Emotions have been left largely out of debate over the indicators that make up organization-public relationship (OPR) frameworks. This exploratory study analyses the importance of emotions in OPR. Results show that emotions are highly influential in this relationship. On these grounds, the paper suggests expanding existing conceptual analyses of OPR to include emotions.},
 keywords = {Inhaltsanalyse; Öffentlichkeit; public relations work; öffentliche Kommunikation; Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; qualitative method; Indikator; indicator; government; public communications; Regierung; the public; qualitative Methode; Australia; exploration; content analysis; Australien; emotion; Gefühl; Exploration}}