

@article{ Sklyarova2017,
 title = {Формирование факторного дохода в фирме от труда как ресурса производства},
 author = {Sklyarova, Marina},
 journal = {Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine},
 number = {T31},
 pages = {246-250},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2304-120X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In given clause formation of the factorial income in firm from work as resource of manufacture is considered. The historical review of sights at a problem of formation of the factorial income on work is resulted. Dependence of the factorial income on work on position in negotiating process of the proprietor of work and its economic force is deduced. Trunk-call force of the proprietor of work in modern economic conditions is analyzed. The concept of the aggregate profit of the proprietor of work as set of the income of realization of process of work Is offered at its appendix to means and subjects of manufacture and the income of transfer of the property rights to result of work.},