

@article{ Brüning1985,
 title = {Moderne Instrumente der Historischen Chronologie - Taschencomputer ersetzen umfangreiche Tabellenwerke},
 author = {Brüning, Gert},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {3},
 pages = {67-81},
 volume = {10},
 year = {1985},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {All important calender systems are based upon
either the solar year or the lunar year. In the first part
of this paper, conformities and differences are regarded.
Dating problems or questions of chronological concordance
usually are solved even today by using voluminous editions
in tabulated form being not free of calculating ard
piinting errors which accumulate with using and reading
errors. As well error-probability as access-time can be
reduced by using a pocket-book large micro-computer. In
this article an user-oriented computer program is described
beeing capable of any mutual transfer of any date
of Julian or gregorian calender, the muslim higra calender,
the iraniar- sun-hig'ra calender, the byzantine world
aera or the enumeration of 'juliani dies' or 'dies christiani'.
Weekly days and medival 'indictiones' are calculated
as well as the distance of any two dates of equal or different calender systems. The program is capable to add or subtract to any date any number of days and transform
the solution-date to any other calender system. Finally,
every moving festive day being dependent of Easter or
Advent is automatically calculated and transfered to any calender system.},
 keywords = {electronic data processing; historical social research; Zeit; historische Sozialforschung; EDV; Mikrocomputer; Software; time; software; microcomputer}}