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@article{ Petrova2015,
 title = {Технологии создания настроения в рекламе},
 author = {Petrova, Ivilina Igorevna and Petrova, Liliana Rafikovna},
 journal = {Nauka -},
 number = {8},
 pages = {10-20},
 volume = {20},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2311-8814},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article examines three groups of technologies for creating moods in advertising: modeling technology senses the reaction to advertising; Information technology impacts; technology influence through normative value. A detailed analysis of the content of these technologies allows to focus its efforts on the use of special methods of action undertaken within the boundaries of each technology.},
 keywords = {Motivation; Wert; value; Werbung; Emotionalität; motivation; Einfluss; mood; Normativität; influence; advertising; normativity; emotionality; Technologie; technology; Stimmung}}