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@article{ Martynov2015,
 title = {Russian Socio-Economic Geography: Status, Challenges, Perspectives},
 author = {Martynov, Vasily L.},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {2},
 pages = {81-93},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The socio-economic geography studies the processes, characteristics and patterns of spatial development. In the recent decades, however, this area of scientific investigation has failed its promise, which happened for a number of external and internal reasons. The main external reason is the development of "consumer society", which does not require the search of new space and therefore ignores the "spatial" science, geography. Internal reason is the blurring of socio-economic geography along the variety of new lines of research. The discipline was, in many ways, redundant, and unselective in the application of theoretical and methodological tools liberally borrowed from other branches of both geography and economics. The only way this discipline can return to its former glory is by going all the way back to doing proper spatial research.},
 keywords = {social geography; Sozialgeographie; sozioökonomische Entwicklung; nachhaltige Entwicklung; regional economy; scientific discipline; socioeconomic factors; sozioökonomische Faktoren; consumer society; socioeconomic development; sustainable development; Konsumgesellschaft; Regionalwirtschaft; Wissenschaftsdisziplin}}