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@article{ Bolychev2014,
 title = {Network transformations in economy},
 author = {Bolychev, Oleg and Mikhailov, Andrei},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {3},
 pages = {33-44},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the context of ever-increasing market competition, networked interactions play a special role in the economy. The network form of entrepreneurship is increasingly viewed as an effective organizational structure to create a market value embedded in innovative business solutions. The authors study the characteristics of a network as an economic category and emphasize certain similarities between Rus sian and international approaches to identifying interactions of economic systems based on the network principle. The paper focuses on the types of networks widely used in the economy. The authors analyze the transformation of business networks along two lines: from an intra- to an inter-firm network and from an inter-firm to an inter-organizational network. The possible forms of network formation are described depending on the strength of connections and the type of integration. The drivers and reasons behind process of transition from a hierarchical model of the organizational structure to a network type are identified. The authors analyze the advantages of creating inter-firm networks and discuss the features of inter-organizational networks as compares to inter-firm ones. The article summarizes the reasons for and advantages of participation in inter-rganizational networks and identifies the main barriers to the formation of inter-organizational network.},
 keywords = {entrepreneurship; transformation; internationale Verflechtung; Organisationsstruktur; international networking; Netzwerk; network; Unternehmertum; economy; Transformation; Wirtschaft; organizational structure}}