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@article{ Nore2015,
 title = {Re-Contextualizing Vocational Didactics in Norwegian Vocational Education and Training},
 author = {Nore, Hæge},
 journal = {International journal for research in vocational education and training},
 number = {3},
 pages = {182-194},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2197-8646},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article explores teachers and trainers didactical practices in different contexts in Norwegian VET: schools and workplaces. With the introduction of e-resources and e-portfolios in VET, learners as well as teachers and trainers experience a more hybrid learning-arena, which claims for a re-contextualization of vocational didactics as well as re-defining roles and responsibilities of the actors. The article discuss new forms of boundary crossing, dealing with e-portfolios as boundary objects, increasing learner autonomy, transformative learning outcomes, interaction between actors and designing learning processes in hybrid learning-arenas. Vocational didactics as understood in a teacher-training context are challenged by more actors and new forms of interactivity with technological tools crossing sites. The study is based on a longitudinal study in a national project on quality assessment, interviews with teachers and trainers as well as apprenticeship training offices supported by documentary evidence from three trades: sales, plumbing and industrial mechanics.},
 keywords = {Berufsbildung; vocational education; Ausbilder; instructor; Lehrer; teacher; Didaktik; didactics; Curriculum; curriculum; Berufsschule; part-time vocational school; Arbeitsplatz; job; Berufsorientierung; vocational guidance; Lernprozess; learning process; duales System; dual system; Norwegen; Norway}}