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@incollection{ Knoepfel1995,
 title = {The clean-up of Lake Sempach: the raising from the dead; conditions for the success of environmental policy in Switzerland},
 author = {Knoepfel, Peter},
 editor = {Jänicke, Martin and Weidner, Helmut},
 year = {1995},
 booktitle = {Successful environmental policy: a critical evaluation of 24 cases},
 pages = {104-129},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Ed. Sigma},
 isbn = {3-89404-136-6},
 keywords = {Rahmenbedingung; general conditions; Erfolg; success; Umweltpolitik; environmental policy; Schweiz; Switzerland; politisch-administratives System; political administrative system; Umweltbelastung; environmental impact; Umweltschutz; environmental protection; Gewässer; bodies of water; Naturschutz; conservation; politische Entscheidung; political decision; Entscheidungsfindung; decision making}}