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@incollection{ Saris1997,
 title = {Adjustment for differences between face to face and telephone interviews},
 author = {Saris, Willem E.},
 editor = {Saris, Willem E. and Kaase, Max},
 year = {1997},
 booktitle = {Eurobarometer: measurement instruments for opinions in Europe},
 pages = {126-141},
 series = {ZUMA-Nachrichten Spezial},
 volume = {2},
 address = {Mannheim},
 publisher = {Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen -ZUMA-},
 isbn = {3-924220-12-3},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Datengewinnung; data capture; Meinungsforschung; opinion research; Interview; interview; Telefoninterview; telephone interview; Stichprobe; sample; Antwortverhalten; response behavior; Panel; panel; Umfrageforschung; survey research}}