

@article{ Spina2016,
 title = {La pratique des réseaux sociaux par les diffuseurs télé: un nouvel espace de liberté pour le téléspectateur et de gestion des audiences pour l'émetteur},
 author = {Spina, Patrizia and Viallon, Maxence},
 journal = {ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {101-112},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1775-352X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article studies the evolution from digital TV to social TV, being the TV that uses social networks as a mean to communicate with the audience. More precisely, we study the role of social TV as a social catalyst (Aldo Grasso, 2009) or of ceremony TV (Dayan Daniel 2000), as well as its capacity to establish a bidirectional communication channel.},
 keywords = {interactive media; soziales Netzwerk; Digitalisierung; Werbung; twitter; social network; Twitter; digitalization; interaktive Medien; television; advertising; Fernsehen; facebook; Facebook}}