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@incollection{ Canzler1991,
 title = {Futures studies and futures shaping: strategies for cooperation between futures studies and politics in the Federal Republic of Germany and other countries},
 author = {Canzler, Weert},
 editor = {Moll, Peter and Burmeister, Klaus},
 year = {1991},
 booktitle = {Recent futures studies in the Federal Republic of Germany: contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Europe 2005 project, headed by the FAST group of the EEC},
 pages = {39-43},
 series = {Werkstatt-Bericht / Sekretariat für Zukunftsforschung},
 volume = {1},
 address = {Gelsenkirchen},
 publisher = {Sekretariat für Zukunftsforschung},
 isbn = {3-928635-00-x},
 keywords = {Strategie; strategy; Kooperation; cooperation; Zukunftsforschung; futurology; Politik; politics; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Forschungseinrichtung; research facility; wissenschaftliche Institution; scientific institution; Institutionalisierung; institutionalization; Schweden; Sweden; Schweiz; Switzerland; Frankreich; France}}