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@article{ Ottermann2006,
 title = {Konstruktivismus ist die Erfindung eines Kritikers},
 author = {Ottermann, Ralf},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {3},
 pages = {211-244},
 volume = {31},
 year = {2006},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The world, as we perceive it, is our own invention,
so we always invent and never discover realities. This
main thesis is grounded on neurophysiological research. But
how radical then is FOERSTER’s constructivism "really"? Is it not also an empirical as well as a social constructivism
plus some realism in it, too? And what shall we do with
such academic questions if "the way in which a question is
asked determines the way in which an answer may be
found"? The physicist and philosopher Heinz von FOERSTER
and the journalist and communication scientist Bernhard
PÖRKSEN talk about the sensual perception of human
beings and the borders of our capacity for knowledge,
communication and understanding. They debate about truth,
objectivity and responsibility and discuss the connections
between knowledge, ethics and practice. I have been enriched
of some of the aphorisms, anecdotes and aporias,
still, I am not able to answer the questions asked above conclusively.
The book is interesting for people who love sophistic
conversations, but it is not very helpful for qualitative
social research.},
 keywords = {perception; constructivism; responsibility; Objektivität; communication; Wahrnehmung; Kommunikation; Ethik; objectivity; culture; ethics; Konstruktivismus; Kultur; Verantwortung}}