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@article{ Scholl1980,
 title = {Früher niederländischer Schiffbau: Zu Richard W. Unger: Dutch Shipbuilding before 1800. Ships and Guilds. Assen/Amsterdam 1978, XII und 216 S., 8 Bildtafeln. (=Aspects of Economic History: the Low Countries, Vol. 2)},
 author = {Scholl, Lars U.},
 journal = {Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv},
 pages = {141-144},
 volume = {3},
 year = {1980},
 issn = {0343-3668},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Niederlande; Netherlands; Schiffbau; shipbuilding; Mittelalter; middle ages; frühe Neuzeit; early modern times; Wirtschaftsgeschichte; economic history}}